In the United Kingdom, escorting services are entirely legal, but there are a few caveats you must be mindful of. For example, escorts cannot advertise their services in public, and you are exclusively paying for her time. Anything you two do together is between two consenting adults and is not part of the services you pay for. 

Playgirls offers the most exclusive escorts in East London, all of which are professionals who are beautiful inside and out. There are several reasons why one would book an escort in London–they may be itching to try a new restaurant with a stunning companion, needing a date to a work event, or even just looking for a hand to hold and some lovely banter over dinner.

If you haven’t booked a professional escort before, there is a code of conduct for both you and your companion. These standards may seem intuitive, but knowing what they are will help you feel at-ease and confident in the moment.


Rule Number One: Communicate

It’s incredibly important that you communicate your needs and boundaries with your escort. Her goal is that you truly enjoy your time together, whether that’s a ‘girlfriend experience’ that leaves you grinning and your heart fluttering or a wild night out where you both paint the town red.

When booking, be transparent about what services you’re seeking, your boundaries, and how you are feeling throughout the experience. The sooner you are transparent about your needs and limits, the easier it will be for our reception desk to pair you with an escort perfect for you.


Rule Number Two: Privacy and Discretion Matters

If you wish to take any photos or videos, express this during the booking process. Not every Playgirl would like to be recorded, just as not every client would. At Playgirls, we view respecting privacy and discretion as a two-way street–we would not make requests of clients that we can’t uphold on our end.

As such, we will keep your information private and will not share your information with others. Should you see your hired escort in public outside of your booking time, the general code of conduct is to not engage unless it’s explicitly agreed upon between the two of you.

Additionally, your escort may ask you personal questions in order to assess your desires and needs. You can answer these questions as you feel comfortable, but please do not ask your Playgirl personal questions. She may offer information willingly, but it’s good practice to respect her privacy.


Rule Number Three: Respect Autonomy and Consent

All of our Playgirls are independent contractors that offer their own unique set of services. Some of our professional companions love to engage in Duo services, where you share your time with two Playgirls who enjoy each other’s company. Others prefer to have solo time with clients.

Both you and your escort have your own boundaries that must be respected. This is why we encourage clients to be transparent about their expectations prior to booking so no one feels disappointed.


Rule Number Four: Respect Each Other’s Time

Please arrive to your scheduled date on time. If you are running late, reach out and let your companion know. Escorting is a professional service, so respecting her time and schedule will show you appreciate her and result in a positive experience for you both.

While Playgirls does not charge a cancellation fee if your Playgirl is less than halfway to you, please cancel your booking as soon as possible if you need to. We are happy to accommodate rescheduling your services, but please give notice in advance when you can.


Rule Number Five: Be Responsible

No matter the activities you do on your date, take precautions to ensure safety. If you are in a car, wear a seatbelt. If you are riding a bike, wear a helmet. This extends to all activities you and your Playgirl can enjoy together.


Rule Number Six: Complete Your Payment Transaction

We pride ourselves on being transparent about our pricing, so there are no hidden fees when booking time with a Playgirl. When you meet with your Playgirl, the payment amount is already agreed upon, so there is no need to negotiate or haggle.

Playgirls accepts wire transfers and cash payments. We accept the US dollar, the British pound, and the Euro–but let us know which currency you plan to pay with prior to your meeting.

When in doubt, a good rule of thumb is to treat your hired escort with respect. When you value her time and effort, she will go the extra mile to ensure you’ll want to book again!